Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Same blog, new name

This was the first blog I started writing. I mostly used it to learn the intricacies of creating in the blog format. I have posted occasionally over the years, but have really focused more on my other blogs. These include my blog on cycling with the JDRF Ride team More Than 100 Miles, a blog on a benefit concert Jake's Music Festival, and being a contributor to the JDRF Michigan Great Lakes West Chapter - Ride to Cure Diabetes blog. I'm also the administrator for the web sites for Connie's Cakes, Blue Monkey Adventure, and The Scheidel Group. I even write a travel column for Examiner.com.

All of these sites are very specific and sometimes I have thoughts I want to share that don't fit in any of those places. And the status updates on FaceBook and Twitter are just not long enough. So I've renamed this blog to "Specifically Unspecific". This will be the spot where I share all the other marbles rolling around in my head. Oh you lucky, lucky reader.

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