For the past nine year's my wife Mary and I have been participating in the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation's Ride for a Cure. Three year's ago our then 15 year old son Ian joined us. Each year we ride train by riding hundreds, in some cases thousands, of miles to be ready to do an epic JDRF ride. Six times we've ridden in Death Valley, once in the mountains of Vermont, and last year all the way around Lake Tahoe. This year's ride will be in Nashville, Tennessee and will require the most climbing of any ride we've done. But all the bicycle riding is only half the story. The real reason we are out there is to raise money to help find a cure for Type 1 diabetes. Our older son, Jake, was diagnosed with Type 1 sixteen years ago when he was only six years old. As a family we are committed to do everything we can to help him fight this life threatening disease.
This is where you come in. Since our first ride in 2005 our family has raised over $72,000 for diabetes research. This year we have a goal of $12,000. You can help us reach that goal by
clicking on this link and making a donation. All amounts are welcome and appreciated. Thank you for your support.
Tom, Ian and Mary at the start of the JDRF Lake Tahoe Ride in September 2012. |